Wednesday, January 6, 2010

An amazing Tender Mercy

Tonight the bone marrow test results came back--the chemo did NOT work. My dad's immune system is worn out, he's weak and won't be able to regain his strength or health.

Tonight we had an amazing tender mercy. My dad has only been awake and coherent for a few minutes each day since Sunday. Tonight, my 4 local siblings gathered with my mom at the hospital, with myself on the phone here in Indy, Sheri in Arizona, and Krista in DC. I knew they were all going in to ICU together to have a family prayer with my dad, but when the prayer started, it was my DAD giving the prayer. It was beautiful, I don't remember much of it, but the sweetness of hearing him preside over our family one last time in the flesh until we're reunited again was amazing. After the prayer, David gave a priesthood blessing, with the help of Mike, Chuck, & John. He was blessed that he might be comfortable, and that his body might quickly release his spirit from the bonds that have been holding (or something like that). Then we all had a turn to talk to him and tell him of our love; he told his conversion story, bore his testimony, apologized for things working out this way, and said not to spend much money on the funeral. Then after about 30 minutes of being alert, He was tired, so most of them left the room to let him rest (someone is always in the room with him). It was a miracle and such a gift to all of us from our loving Heavenly Father. I am so thankful for his son, Jesus Christ, who provided the way for us to all be together again. I know we will be together again, and that he will be greeted on the other side by his parents, Grandma and Grandad Fisher. What an amazing reunion he has ahead of him.

Thanks for your prayers and love. Our prayers are now for him to be comfortable and to be able to move on to a much more comfortable place. I feel so blessed to have had such an amazing man as my father. I wish we could sneak his dog Loretta into the hospital so they could spend a bit more time together. A cow might be nice to bring in too.



  1. I can't seem to read this without crying. I recorded video on my camera so I will get it to you. Love Ya!

  2. I'm so glad you have video. I would love the grandkids to be able to re-live that amazing visit.

  3. I want to see the video too.

    I wish we could do/could have done something with Loretta.
