Tuesday, July 6, 2010

6 months down, isn't it supposed to get easier?

Tomorrow will be 6 months since Dad passed on to the other side.  In some ways it doesn't seem like that long ago, but in other ways it seems like forever.  For me once the first few weeks past, things seemed to get easier, but as more time as passed the more I seem to miss him.  There has not been a day that has gone by that I haven't thought about him or had a realization that he is not there to talk to anymore, to run a quick idea or question past or to just enjoy his company, his council, his hand shakes, his hugs, his smile, his laughter.  I still find myself in tears at times for no good reason other than I just miss Dad.  Prayer has helped a ton and doing what Dad would have done makes me proud to be his son and to have known him, but the ache is still there.  I have even caught myself in a few selfish moments thinking why couldn't he have hung around a bit longer, but when I look back to the condition he was in and what state he would have been in I know that is not what any of us would have wanted.  How blessed we are to have had him as long as we did and for him to have passed so quickly with a chance for us to goodbye.  I am especially grateful for the knowledge that we will see him again and grateful for the comfort that the Lord has blessed me with when I needed it the most. This has made me appreciate all that I have been blessed with and hope that I can be as good of an example and teacher to my kids as Dad was to me.  Hopefully it will get easier with time.

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