Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tuesday Morning, December 29

Last night, Paw Paw talked to Emilee on the webcam David set up in the hospital room. It was fun seeing both Paw Paw and Emilee perk up as they talked to each other. Now we need to somehow get Loretta on the webcam. I was able to stay at the hospital last night. Mom was able to sleep at home and get a full night's rest, hopefully.

The doctor came in last night and spoke with us. Dad was alert and able to talk with him. The doctor said he really needed to get more fluids down and try to eat. He also said it was important to change his position a lot, like moving from the bed to the chair more often. Sheri and I were so impressed with Dad's drive to obey the doctor's orders. As soon as he left, Sheri brought in a variety of juices. He downed an apple juice, even though it didn't taste good to him.

This morning at 5:00 a.m., he told me he was ready to get going on things, noting we'd have to wait until they opened the breakfast place. At 6:00, he looked over the menu and requested shredded wheat. He ate most of it. When we talked to mom before she headed back to the hospital, I asked him if he needed anything. He said, "bring me my khakis, and a golf shirt so I can walk around this place and get my exercise." He is ready to do hard things. His drive and determination are inspiring.

He has a monitor on his pointer finger that has a red light on it. He asked the nurse if she could put it on his nose, which would be fitting for this Christmas Season. But I like it on his pointer finger--it's just like E.T. I'll post a photo of it when I have a chance.


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