Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Part of a letter from Perry, April 2007, giving comfort today.

The first Latter Day Saint that I know of meeting was one day in the Army in basic training. It was raining as it only does in the rainey season in California. We were in the field and trying to eat our lunch out of the the little GI mess kits. One of my fellow trainees came over and held his poncho out to cover my kit so the rain didn't wash my food away. Such a simple way to help another person, but it got my attention and then a few months later when I met another Saint and we had the time to become friends and learn about each other, I was ready to learn about the principles of the Gospel. My father, had always asked preachers where we went from the time we died until the resurrection. And never had one answered his question. So after I became friends with Larry Adams, I asked him. He said do you remember when Christ was on the cross and one of the thieves asked to be remembered in His kingdom? I said yes, and he said that is the answer to your question. "Today you will be with me in Paradise", Luke 23:43. Alma 40 has a more detailed description and is a wonderful message to bereaved families when they have lost a loved one. If you have to preach a funeral, that is a good place to start, but the scriptures are full of comfort for bereaved folks. It really makes one appreciate the Gospel when you go to a funeral and see the Protestant families so broken up by the natural old age death of someone. And at our age we are going to more and more funerals. Another one this week - cousins now as well as aunts and uncles.

Sorry to have ended up on funerals, but that is the way life is. Its really quite short but so much to learn and do. Was never meant to be but a moment in time to see if we could overcome so much enticement and gain experience, knowledge, and wisdom while we learn to receive promptings from the spirit and the ordinances that will enable us to return..But what JOY we learn to feel as we do so. May you continue to do all that you can to personally invite the spirit to help you be an instruments in his hands to help those you come in contact with. May you be filled with the joy that will come as you do so.

With my love and Testimony, Paw Paw